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acer japonicum造句

"acer japonicum"是什么意思  
  • The square has a significant vegetation, including acer cappadocicum, acer japonicum, Atlas Cedars and Honey locusts, and is the place of many activities organized by the city.
  • It can be distinguished from its close relatives " Acer japonicum " and " Acer sieboldianum " by its hairless shoots; from " A . sieboldianum " also by its red, not yellow, flowers.
  • It belongs to the " Palmatum " group of maple trees native to East Asia with its closest relatives being the " Acer japonicum " ( Fullmoon Maple ) and " Acer pseudosieboldianum " ( Korean Maple ).
  • "Acer japonicum " is a small deciduous tree growing to 5 10 m ( rarely 15 m ) tall, with a samara with the nutlets 7 mm in diameter with a 20 25 mm wing, hanging under the leaves.
  • It also contains about 160 varieties of maple trees including 130 cultivars of " Acer japonicum " and " Acer palmatum ", 270 types of conifers, and a further 750 varieties of other trees and shrubs, as well as 50 types of vines, and 800 varieties of herbaceous plants.
  • The smooth bark and yellow flowers help distinguish it from the closely related " Acer japonicum " ( Japanese, " hauchiwakaede " ), which has rough, scaly bark, and red flowers, while the hairy stems and yellow flowers distinguish it from " Acer shirasawanum " ( Japanese, " ooitayameigetsu "; with hairless stems and red flowers ).
  • The Japanese cut-leaf maple ( Acer japonicum Dissectum ), which has delicate fernlike foliage, is also tolerant of dappled shade, as are the star magnolia ( M . stellata ), whose fragrant white flowers appear in April; the semi-evergreen daphne Carol Mackie, an aromatic spring bloomer whose leaves have cream-colored edges, and the winged spindle tree ( Euonymus alata ), which has corky-looking bark.
  • It's difficult to see acer japonicum in a sentence. 用acer japonicum造句挺难的
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